Idiom Copy

Bringing professional writing to small business

The vast majority of work that we do at Idiom Copy is preparing copy for the World Wide Web. While most clients have a vague idea of what they want, working with an experienced writer offers many advantages that you might not have considered.

Just look at some of the ways that using a professional writer can help your website:

  • Get the job done faster
    Admit it - Left to your own devices, it could take you weeks, even months to get your copy ready for your website. Even worse, you could never get it done. If you are sitting there staring at a blank page time and time again, a little help could be just what you need. Most of our first drafts are done in less than a week, and corrections are normally finished in just a couple days more.

  • Produce better work
    If you're doing all the work yourself, then you have a lousy helper. When you have worked hard on a project, it's nearly impossible to be objective about your writing, and this bias extends all the way from spelling to grammar to word choice, and beyond. Getting a writer involved means you have another brain in the game.

  • Save yourself money
    You may not believe it, but using a professional writer can be very cost-effective. Instead of assigning your staff to do the writing, consider using a writer as a temporary employee, one who works 4 or 5 times as fast as your best staff member. Cut down on website development costs, too, when you deliver clean, error-free text to your designer -- text that doesn't need further costly revisions.

If you are building your website right now, it's very important to stop and take a look at your process. It is absolutely essential that you start off your website with a clear sense of purpose, an idea of who your clients will be, and goals for the future.

It really isn't enough to just say "I need a website in a hurry, so I'll just throw something up there and improve it when I have time." If you are a dedicated professional, there is no part of your business that you would handle so flippantly. But, every day, this is how hundreds of people start off one of the most important projects they will ever undertake.

We can help. Contact Idiom today to get new ideas about website navigation, organization, and most importantly, the best way to convey your message.

When you are ready to start treating your website seriously, talk to us about body copy that sells your company as well as your services. Let us help you write a website that people enjoy reading, with compelling features that will pull your clients in.